Montana Native History Game
The Fort Laramie Treaty got signed in 1868
Was this before or after the US and Canadian border was established, splitting many tribal homelands and hunting grounds?
Dont know? Maybe you should put this in your cart.
This is a History timeline game. You guess where events go in a timeline. All the events are about tribes in Montana, none of that “the pilgrims were actually really nice” stuff here.
These games are strangely addictive, and you’ll probably want to play over and over. if you want a real challenge, play with your grandma, she knows everything. Indian Grandmas are Bada**.
-For 2 to 8 players
- ages 8 and above.
Education Edition includes a study guide, references, extended instructions, and any cards that didn’t fit in the travel edition
Travel Edition Includes 75-100 cards, and an instruction card.
Classroom use
Have your students play the game, give the winners a piece of drymeat and steal the losers land (that’s fair right?).
Have students play the game and then make a presentation based on the timeline they built. Have a discussion about what students didn’t know, or what surprised them. Ask them why they don’t know.
Have a discussion about how these events might have been reportedly differently (read wrong) in older text books.
Fun and educational!
We now have several of these games, from different areas, and they are fantastic. Good for different ages to play together, too.