Nashke Games
Reimagined Traditional Games
Nashke Games' reimagined traditional games are not meant to emulate the true traditional games that they represent. Though the game play may be similar, these games have been created as learning tools and do not represent the cultural and Spiritual counterparts that they were modeled after.
Hopefully, these games inspire you to continuelearning about Ojibwe culture and language.
Mii Gwech Game Series!
Mii gwech is designed to replicate the fur trade era and also give players insight into Ojibwe language and culture. Mii gwech is a fast-paced card game giving Ojibwe language learners an avenue to learn and use the language. Also introducing Memory Tiles and Puzzles!
Bineshiiyag Game Series!
Bineshiiyag is a fun game that will amuse and entertain even the youngest card players. It is like the popular card game, Go Fish, but uses our winged relatives as the focal point for the game.
Also introducing Memory Tile games and Puzzles!